Come join us for this special event, as we focus on vitality & healing for ourselves and others while experiencing the healing power of the breath along with the evocative presence of live healing music of John Stringer!
Breathwork is an elixir for the heart & soul. It is an active meditation technique that uses the power of the breath to purge the body of any residue that has gotten lodged in your system. This helps to rejuvenate the body, to clear energy pathways, to release physical/emotional blockages, and to uproot limiting beliefs.
Breathwork natural benefits…
Rewire your emotional default settings
Stimulate your immune system
Open up to more life force energy
Clear patterns of sadness/anxiety/depression/addiction
Improve sleep
Detoxify your mind/body/spirit
Gain access to a greater sense of aliveness
Promote feelings of aliveness, peace & connection
Connect you to self-knowledge/intuition/higher wisdom
Awaken your authentic & embodied self
Discover your innate authenticity, freedom & joy
Help you access your creativity & open your heart to deep gratitude & self-love
Breathwork is a safe & simple experiential process. During the breathwork session we breathe lying down so this practice is available to everyone regardless of ability, age or experience.
We will use a connected & conscious breathing rhythm called “circular breath” to flood the body with O2. This process will last for 70 minutes. There will be an opening circle, before and after, to share intentions, guidance and reflections. Come and explore the emotional, spiritual and transpersonal realms and come home to your own truth.
Bring your own yoga mat and anything else that you may need for your comfort and warmth such as a cozy blanket or shawl. Wear loose & comfortable clothing so that you can breathe & move without restriction.
All are welcome. Join us!
This event is facilitated by The Super Glow Collective
John Stringer is a life teacher, speaker, billboard charting singer-songwriter, healer, and author with a passion for music, community, expansion and limitless love and light. He currently serves as Co-Founder of; Founder of PolyPlat Records; Partner at The Flight Foundation, Inc, and a True Collaboration leader at He began channeling with his wife, Kathy Stringer, in 2008, using the practice daily for their own personal guidance and eventually sharing guidance anonymously on a now non-existent website for a few years. When Kathy and John first asked the name of the collective consciousness (or guides) he initially channeled, the simple reply was: “I am Reality and I am Love. Yes. My name is less important than your focus on what I bring.” Over time, the guides helped him realize how to align with Source so that he channels from his Higher Self / Divine intelligence. John aligns to speak publicly, write music & lyrics; serve others in group, remote & one-on-one channeling sessions; and write content for his websites and books that share the teachings he continues to receive. He travels extensively, speaking and playing at concerts, workshops, spiritual centers, churches, conferences, retreats and festivals while sharing his uplifting and healing music and message through songs from his debut solo album, “Limitless Love & Light,” his follow up album, “Moment to Moment,” and channeled teachings found in his new book, The Abundance Vibration: A Guide to Alignment. For upcoming events, books, audios, videos and online courses, visit his website:
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Live Video for "That's Love" Here
Annie has over 500 hours of training with Anusara yoga. She also has extensive study in Iyengar, Vinyasa and Kundalini yoga. She is a certified Clarity Breathwork practitioner and certified Reiki Master. She has taught yoga in classes and retreats around the world for over 14 years. Annie's mission is to live a life fueled by love, purpose, truth and courage. She believes that anything is possible. Her intention is to create an environment where everyone can move freely, have fun, feel good, and experience the infinitude of possibilities within themselves. Annie's humble guidance points her students to the wisdom & strength they already possess. Choosing to live in many different parts of the world throughout her life has given her a breadth of understanding of the common ties that bind us all.
“Thank you Annie for holding me deeply in the space of the breathwork & allowing me to fall to pieces, release, grieve, and move through all that I needed to move through. Having had a really challenging phone call just before our session, I felt a lot of emotional energy at the start of our session. By the end I felt at peace, reconnected to myself, and able to roll back into my life from a clearer & brighter place. Thank you for holding such a deep space for healing, and guiding me with wisdom & sensitivity in the breath journey.” -Kiya, England
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Brian Piergrossi has led over 100 retreats around the world. He is a life coach and author of The Big Glow and The Wow of the Now. He is a teacher of inner peace, freedom, empowerment and love. After a serious chronic illness in his early 20's Brian began a one-pointed spiritual search with committed study, serious inquiry, and personal application into the fields of spirituality, religion, psychology, sociology, cosmology, ecology, health, arts, science, yoga, as well as the core of the enlightenment and self-realization teachings. For the last 14 years, Brian has dedicated himself full time, professionally, and privately, to supporting the path of transformation, self-realization and self-actualization in individuals, families and communities around the world. Brian has shared his message as a featured guest on numerous radio and television programs and podcasts. He has lectured at colleges, schools, festivals, expos and conferences. His online posts are shared with thousands of readers worldwide each day. He’s written cutting-edge articles for spiritual magazines.He founded The Big Glow Online Facebook Community with currently over 10,000 members exploring the inner workings of the mind, body and soul. With the unrelenting sole intention of educating and facilitating the awakening of consciousness inside individuals and communities around the world, each day Brian Piergrossi is spearheading a movement integrating mindfulness, self-realization, peak performance and human potential. In 2017 Brian met Annie and they have been sharing these truths around the world together since then.
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*$30 in advance
*$50 in advance for a two tickets
*$35 at the door
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Later Event: October 1
The Super Glow Breathwork in Asheville: Metamorphosis