What every human being wants the most, what brings the most fulfillment, is also that which they fear the most: intimacy. How do we bring the fulfillment of deep intimacy, connection, love and authenticity into our lives in our society and go beyond the loneliness and isolation that plagues us?
This retreat gives you the principles, experiential exercises, and accountability to make deep intimacy and healthy, vibrant relationships with yourself, your partner, your family, your community and life itself, a living reality based on the principles that have worked for me and thousands of people I’ve worked with professionally through life coaching, over 100 Big Glow retreats and workshops around the world.
In this retreat you’ll be with John and Kathy Stringer, Brian Piergrossi and Annie Marie in the amazing beauty and vibrant region of Asheville North Carolina, to transcend limiting beliefs and truly engage in the deepest levels of intimacy that inspire your relationships and brings you deep fulfillment and clarity within.
Who Should Attend?
Individuals, couples and partners, families, communities, interested in opening their hearts, minds and souls to the depth of love they know is possible within them self, their family, their relationship, their community, their work and the world at large.
The Four Levels of Love You Will Explore:
1. Deep Love with Yourself
2. Deep Love with Family and Community
3. Deep Love with Another
4. Deep Love with All That Is
What You’ll Get Out of the Retreat:
Deeper connection and communication in your intimate relationships
Deeper connection with Spirit and direct guidance in your life
Deeper connection with Nature
Forgiveness for family members
Greater present moment self-awareness
How to live in the now.
Greater self-worth and self-value
More depth and connection in your sex life
Become a better lover
Greater emotional intelligence and awareness
More conscious, creative relationships
Spiritual growth & principles for personal empowerment
Understanding of masculine/feminine polarity
Self-realization and actualization
Friendships with others around the world
Greater embodiment of appreciation and gratitude
There’s a tremendous passion right now to create community spaces with small groups of people to explore awakened collective consciousness as the next evolution of human BEingness and the most fundamental way to transform one self and the world. I’ve found nothing more exciting, and utterly riveting than to sit in these spaces with an open heart, open mind and open body in the ground of BEing and discover the new collective intelligences that want to flower between us and the love and wisdom that transcends conditionality, excited, inspired and in aligned purpose for ourselves and the world at large. This is the power of community and this is the way of awakened embodiment.
“The Big Glow retreat experience is a living symphony composed of various heart opening movements or phases. Each movement is grounded in the expressed intention of the group, and galvanized through presence, into the effortless unfolding of each magical now. Every individual works as one aspect of the whole and simultaneously co-creates, witnesses, and participates in the full expression of each movement as it arises. As the group collectively travels through, and reflects upon each movement, it gains a deeper awareness of itself, and transforms into something completely new.” – LI Indianapolis IN
“I have attended multiple Big Glow retreats with Brian, and in each, I experienced co-creating an intentional, spiritual community with other participants, deep connections with others, and new insights into my own being. The retreat environment calls forth and nurtures my highest self, helps me release negatives and ideas of self-limitation, embrace my potential, and find new wellsprings of joy inside myself” – S.K., Sacramento CA
Authentic relating brings the deepest levels of intimacy within, and with another, grounded in the love and freedom available in this moment.
I know from years of experience, there is something so valuable about getting away and joining others in coming into alignment with your own authenticity. The Big Glow retreats are a unique, wonderful weekend of insight, connection and enlightenment as an experiential answer to life’s deeper questions. The intention of these unique retreats is to come together with others on a path of living more consciously, with greater self-awareness, and open-heartedness, in every aspect of our lives for greater well-being in oneself and the world at large. A supportive, inspiring, intimate space of natural beauty is provided to come together as a community with others to transform ourselves, our future and our world, in a positive way.
These retreats are a weekend long, unique, evolving exploration, experiential exercise, and inquiry into what it means to live fully, present and alive to each moment, ever more deeply moving into the vast power of this Now, free from the burdens and anxieties of the past. There will be smaller group circles each day as well.
The Big Glow Retreat is a co-creative experience. It is a group experiment in awakening to the conscious potential of each moment… An opportunity to relax and open up to a deeper level of authenticity, clarity, purpose and connection. Participants share music, dance, yoga, hiking, bodywork, and stimulating, heartfelt, intimate conversation with new friends and old. There is plenty of solitary space for silent contemplation and meditation, as well as a weekend filled with many unexpected miracles and inspirational moments. Reserve immediately and take advantage of early bird special to assure your spot.
Come ready and open to share your unique gifts and wisdom and receive the gifts of others on the path. Come with the intention to create one of the most incredible weekends of your life!
Full Schedule:
2pm Orientation
3pm Opening circle meditation- dialogue – intention sharing
5pm Dinner
6:30pm small group circles
8pm John Stringer Concert
8:30 yoga (bring your mat)
10:30 opening circle – nature walk
12:30 lunch
2pm experiential exercises
4:30 closing circle
5:00 Dinner
Evening : Sunset bonire in the mountains & Social time
*Breakfast is self serve (eat light before yoga)
8:30 yoga (bring your mat)
10am opening circle – dialogue – meditation
12pm lunch break
1:30 experiential exercises
3:30pm closing circle
4pm group hug
*Breakfast is self serve (eat light before yoga)
Brian Piergrossi:
Life coach and author of The Big Glow & The Wow of the Now, Brian is a teacher of empowerment, freedom, inner peace & love. At the age of 20 years old, Brian was suddenly struck by a mysterious, debilitating illness, later labeled chronic fatigue syndrome, that lasted for years, leaving him in intense, daily, physical pain and too weak to effectively function in society. When no medical or other authority figure could explain the suffering that was happening to him, Brian made it his life commitment to inquire into human suffering.
What began was over 11 years of committed, serious inquiry, study and personal application into the fields of spirituality, religion, psychology, sociology, cosmology, ecology, health, arts, science, yoga, as well as the core of the enlightenment and self-realization teachings.
After leading a quiet, simple life for over a decade, Brian felt a passionate calling to share his straight forward, timeless, insights for the 21st Century in a modern context with those who are ready and interested.
Since that time, Brian has dedicated himself full time, professionally, and privately, to supporting the path of transformation, self-realization and self-actualization in individuals, families and communities around the world.
His highly acclaimed books and the viral internet sensation ‘Love is the New Religion/Spiritual Conspiracy’ continue to inspire new readers worldwide.
He works one on one, by phone, online, and in person with personal life coaching clients from around the world of all walks of life.
He leads transformative Big Glow retreats, classes and workshops internationally.
Brian has shared his message as a featured guest on numerous radio and television programs and podcasts.
He has lectured at colleges, schools, festivals, expos and conferences.
His online posts are shared with thousands of readers worldwide each day.
He’s written cutting-edge articles for spiritual magazines.
He founded The Big Glow Online Facebook Community with currently over 10,000 members exploring the inner workings of the mind, body and soul.
With the unrelenting sole intention of educating and facilitating the awakening of consciousness inside individuals and communities around the world, Brian Piergrossi is spearheading a movement integrating awakened present moment awareness, peak performance and human potential in our modern world..
“When the pillars of my limited mind collapsed, the roof caved in and I could take in the beauty of the stars.”-Brian Piergrossi
John Stringer:
John Stringer is a life teacher, speaker, billboard charting singer-songwriter, healer, and author with a passion for music, community, expansion and limitless love and light. He currently serves as Founder of PolyPlat Records; Co-founder at MasterMomentMakers.com; Partner at The Flight Foundation, Inc.; and a True Collaboration leader at BandingPeopleTogether.com. As the front man for the indie rock band State of Man, John co-wrote and recorded several albums (including a top 10 best selling Billboard chart hit single) and performed in 10 countries (including tours for U.S. Armed Forces). John’s music has been featured on major network television and he has also appeared in national print ads (Rolling Stone, VIBE, SPIN, Vanity Fair, etc.).
He currently travels extensively, speaking and playing at concerts, workshops, spiritual centers, churches, conferences, retreats and festivals while sharing his uplifting and healing music and message through songs from both his debut solo album, “Limitless Love & Light,” and his follow up album, “Moment to Moment,” along with channeled teachings found in his new book, The Abundance Vibration: A Guide to Alignment.
Between enjoying his wonderful wife and children in Atlanta, GA, John continues following his passions in music while teaching, speaking , completing a new book, focusing on an inspired music label venture (polyplatrecords.com), and enjoying life.
Life’s Goal: To experience being Limitless Love & Light from Moment to Moment
Annie Marie:
Annie has over 500 hours of training with Anusara yoga. She also has extensive study in Iyengar, Vinyasa and Kundalini yoga. She is a certified Clarity Breathwork practitioner and certified Reiki Master. She has taught yoga in classes and retreats around the world for over 14 years. Annie’s mission is to live a life fueled by love, purpose, truth and courage. She believes that anything is possible. Her intention is to create an environment where everyone can move freely, have fun, feel good, and experience the infinitude of possibilities within themselves. Annie’s humble guidance points her students to the wisdom & strength they already possess. Choosing to live in many different parts of the world throughout her life has given her a breadth of understanding of the common ties that bind us all.
More at: http://annie-marie.com
This is a residential all inclusive retreat. Lodging, meals and all retreat activities are included in registration.
All tickets are non-refundable but can be used toward future retreats,
Space is very limited for this retreat. Register now!