There is something that draws many of us to the mountains of Asheville and each time we host breathwork gatherings there, it provides potent medicine for participants and facilitators alike.
We are very excited to invite you to join us in community for a special breathwork & concert, in front of a super powerful, high vibration crystal altar at Altar Alchemy.
Benefits of this event:
Rewire your emotional default settings
Stimulate your immune system
Open up to more life force energy
Clear patterns of sadness/anxiety/depression/addiction
Improve sleep
Detoxify your mind/body/spirit
Gain access to a greater sense of aliveness
Promote feelings of aliveness, peace & connection
Connect you to self-knowledge/intuition/higher wisdom
Awaken your authentic & embodied self
Discover your innate authenticity, freedom & joy
Help access your creativity & open your heart to deep gratitude & self-love